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En el año 2009 Juan Risso abre la Galería Iturria, en Cadaqués.

En ese entorno marino y luminoso que acunó a artistas de la talla de Dalí o Pitxot del ámbito catalán, pero también a figuras como Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, Richard Hamilton o García Lorca, instala su taller el maestro  uruguayo Ignacio Iturria.


El no sólo vivió y pintó en Cadaqués sino que sentó escuela con la creación de una colonia artística, gestionada por Juan Risso, en donde encontraron particular cabida artistas jóvenes e innovadores, europeos y latinoamericanos. Con la idea de promover y exhibir el trabajo de estos artistas, se inicia la galería.

Este proyecto continúa en Madrid con la apertura de la Galería Juan Risso en noviembre de 2016.

Galería Iturria came to life in Cadaqués in April 2009. Its coastal, sun-drenched surrounds have cradled artists of the stature of Catalonians Dalí and Pitxot, as well as their brethren Pablo Picasso, Marcel Duchamp, Richard Hamilton, intellectuals such as Federico García Lorca. The town also hosts the studios of reputed Latin American artists, including Uruguayans Ignacio Iturria.

Iturria not only lived and painted in Cadaqués, but founded a school there. His namesake gallery is characterised by its focus on young artists, for some of whom the future already looks highly promising.


The absence of deeply rooted traditions and the pursuit of a distinct universe and language have afforded Latin American art, music and literature freedom of space. In the visual arts, European classicism and realism soon gave way to the search for self content and expression, but it was only in the mid-twentieth century with the onset of an image-oriented world that Latin American artists’ oeuvre became generally accessible.


This new space serves as an open gateway to the vision and expressive language of both established artists and young creators on both continents.


Specifically geared to young and innovative European and Latin American artists, and in keeping with its calling, roots and itinerary, Galería Juan Risso strives to further mutual understanding and cross-fertilisation, objectives it will continue to pursue in Madrid at its new premises opening in November 2016.

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